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Harry potter fanfiction harry inheritance potion. Marauder's Mapping Harry Potter is ill, no matter how much he tries to deny it, and it isn’t magic that’s making him feel this sick. Harry James Potter-Black. Harry sat back down on his bed, wondering what the Goblins wanted with him. "I'll be fine mum" said Harry. Core: 34% active, 66% blocked. I will need five drops of blood into a phial then I will pour the potion on the charmed paper. She watched it turn from white to red. Some of the potions were quite dangerous. We didn't dare let them fall into the wrong hands. Harry relaxed, understanding better that the man had been asking him a potion's question. Oct 1, 2011 · "Oh really, and why is that, Mr Potter?" Harry frowned slightly, confused. . Potter's mate. Smash! Professor Snape turned on his heel so swiftly that his billowing black robes snapped as they swished. To Remus Lupin, we leave the Marauder's Den and 1,500 galleons. " Snape quickly put Harry under a Petrificus Totalus. " Harry and Remus were enthralled. Godmother - Alice Longbottom. "Why is the blood important Potter?" Ah, that made more sense. His aunt is a so-called 'housewife,' who has pushed all her responsibilities onto Harry as soon as she could. Several further spells and his lips pursed. They had to wait an extra three minutes for the Parchment to stop smoking and all the words to appear. Harry went and got the potion he needed, put it in his pocket even though he didn't think he'd need it yet, but better to be safe than sorry. As soon as the cut healed, details appeared in the basin about Harry's accounts. Harry thanked him and promised that as soon as he could get some things out of the vaults, he would pass them onto Snape. There were far too many occurrences within his life by the Dark Lord to truly allow trust to bloom. First I forgive you for killing my Nellie (The basilisk). Growth stunt potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. Parents: Lord Jamison Fleamont Potter (deceased), Lady Lilian Grace Potter nee Evans (deceased), Lord Sirius Orion Black; Blood-adopted (Illegally Incarcerated) Godparents: Lord Sirius Orion Black (Illegally Incarcerated) and Andromeda Vinda Tonks nee Black "Potter is in the infirmary he has a fever and curled up into a ball holding his stomach, it seem the potion is working quicker than I thought. "Well, well Harry it would appear that you are a man of many talents. Inheritance Cycle (146 Finally she found a potion that seemed painless and only required a drop of blood to reveal magical ancestry. Even if he wasn't accepted into Newt potions, he would be tutored and could still take the newt test. "You were right, Keeper Ragnok," Harry said, "When I placed the ring on my finger, I heard my father's voice. Wandless magic Many believe he will be after Harry Potter's life as he was the one who betrayed the boy's parents to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. "Yes, Master Harry Potter sir?" Dobby bounced up and down in glee. Elementist-Water. Harry said that he would have to see what other house-elves the Potter's owned and consult them first. He heard a groan from the other side of the room as well and knew that the feeling was mutual. Harry grimaces at the taste of the potions but swallows them without complaint before his papa helps him lay back down, and continues to comb his fingers through Harry's hair. I thought of them like family, yet…" he said, shaking his head. Harry lifted the disillusionment charm when the potion was somewhere Remus could see it. Yes Harry Potter Sir, Dobby cans sir!" Still smiling I said "That's great Dobby. "Harry!! You're alright!" Harry was pulled away from Draco as Hermione leapt onto him. Mother - Lily Hope Potter nee Evans. "Who are you?" "I finally get to meet you. Based on original Ideas by Rorschach's Blot (Odd Ideas chapter 50 and Lord of Caer Azkaban) WARNING! The summer before Harry's 4th year another house elf appears in his aunt and uncle's house at number 4 Privet Drive giving him some news that will change his entire life. Sincerely, Rookfoot Gringotts Wills and Inheritance Department Head. Harry wasn't happy. At least there was that, Harry thought to himself as he moved over next to Malfoy. Be careful when you cut yourself for the potion, only make a mall nick at the end of one of your fingers, and have your partner heal it right away. "I'm glad I got myself checked by the Goblins, otherwise who knows what might have happened. Rule number 3: Mr. Harry Potter/Severus Snape (16577) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (752) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (537) Harry Potter & Severus Snape (431) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (361) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (324) Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter (259) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (202) Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape (151) Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape (142) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (15233) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (13098) Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (12611) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (10492) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (7439) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (7173) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (6870) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (5670) Include Additional Tags Fluff (23048) Angst (20479 Harry thought to himself. He had asked his bodyguards to train him. But Harry has known what he wants to do with his life since he was a child. The two Slytherin's were the first to arrive in Professor Snape's potions labs, and Draco led the way to his usual seat as Harry took the seat next to him on the end. It was the perfect color. Molly, Arthur, Remus and Ms. Harry banished the needle with a careless wave of his hand, concentrating on the potion. Born on the 6th of November, 1980. The ministry has spread the whole auror department as well as every available witch and Wizard at the Ministry to find both of them. The eccentric house-elf had asked to bound to Harry during the previous year. Harry growled at the sight of the page and Dumbledore actions. Jul 6, 2021 · Harry Potter discovers he is the son of Sirius Black and Lily Evans, James Potter being his blood adopted father. Potter, The reading of Sirius Orion Black's Will shall be held this Saturday June 6, 1996 at 11:30. I already have this information though dear readers, according to my inside sources Draco Malfoy is Mr. potion and no one will ever know just what happened that night. I'm going to have a very long talk with one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. The first memory was of his gran telling him that he and Harry Potter were god-brothers as Alice was Harry's god mother and Lily was Neville's. By the time school started, he should be Auror level in charms, DADA, and transfiguration. CHAPTER 1 – GRINGOTTS . Harry was shaken awake by Dobby the next morning, "Master Harry Potter sir needs to be getting up he's be tolding Dobby to get him up so we's can be going to the bank," Dobby chirped. No matter what his friend and Dumbledore say. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. Potter is allowed to leave the castle for business reasons. " "Excellent," Ragnok said, "It is rare when it happens. Snape sneered at him. "Everyone should be about time to add whatever many drops you want to add to your family tree potions. He'd only ever heard that from snakes and Voldemort. You may not interfere in any way. Apr 3, 2017 · Four-year-old Hadrian Potter stumbled as the portkey dumped him on the marble floor of Gringotts Bank. I'm Andrew Potter, your great uncle. This did not start as romance but does appear to be headed that way OR when everyone ships Drarry, and they're just to oblivious to notice. XXX. Potter we need you to go lay down in the glass box and we will start to pour in our potion that will reveal your heritage. This will be dated August 4, 1981. Basically, all of the stories i have been reading. It read: Harry James Potter. Name of child: Harry James Potter. He became the best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, part of the Golden Trio (as dubbed by the school). time travel, xover, etc. " Harry Potter is sick of everyone taking advantage of him. Godfather - Sirius Orion Black. "Harry was shaken awake by Dobby the next morning, "Master Harry Potter sir needs to be getting up he's be tolding Dobby to get him up so we's can be going to the bank," Dobby chirped. I, Lord James Charlus Potter and I, Lady Lily Maria Potter nee Evans of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, being of sound mind and body do leave this will in the hands of Ragnok the Fifth, Potter Account Manager. Eye-sight demising potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. After Voldemort's return, everything was changed. there is a little bit of everything. But once Snape sees Harry's scars does everything change. Born: July 31st 1980. Full name: Hadrian Andriev Black-Lupin-Potter. As he navigates the challenges of his mundane life and prepares for his magical future, Harry finds solace and strength in his secret refuge, setting the stage for adventures to come. Name : Dive On. The coffee tinted liquid inside turned a forbidding black, and a tendril of mist twisted its way into the air. Sarcasm and Slytherin - Harry discovers he's the Potter heir, at which point he's entitled to a monthly allowance from his family vault. " Potions in System. Ragnok stares incredulously at the paper "1975 Love potions?" he asks. Once again, Harry left without disturbing anything, a slight sense of disappointment building within him. Everyone has some idea of what they think Harry Potter should be when he grows up. To Sirius Orion Black we leave 3000 Galleons and custody of Harry Potter. Lily did have beautiful eyes. Ragnorork was right when he said that the wound would heal up straight away. " Oct 14, 2021 · Unlike most children Harry was much more mature for his age and a lot smarter than his 'guardians' gave him credit for and to those that saw him as special didn't truly know how special as Harry had a tie to ancient magic something most wizards spend their entire life trying to understand and access and tonight being Harry's birthday and his Harry Potter, the fifteen year old saviour is a rumoured Shadow Fae. " As Harry slept, a certain old goat's trinkets had stopped working due to the magic and potions being expelled of Harry's body. It belonged to his father, James Potter. "This is for your own good. Seconds later we were standing in a hallway facing a solid wall that changed before us into a door. "Yes, Lord Speaking of inheritances, I would like you and Harry to both take an Inheritance test. He later sets up his own secret personal account in Gringotts, which comes in handy when he is disinherited by his father. When he falls deeply in love with a new teacher at the local high school, his carefully crafted existence is thrown into turmoil. Grinlast grabbed the parchment handing it to Harry and he started reading. Senior Account Manger Bloodtide. Dumbledore. May 24, 2022 · By the evening, Harry was sure he could experiment with the cutting techniques the next morning. Various love potions-last administered three months ago. Ginny's been dousing me with love potions since third year!" Aug 27, 2024 · Harry Potter and Hermione Granger-Potter have practiced dark magic for a long time; modifying their senses of sight and smell respectively, and gathering illegal potions ingredients. Harry Potter was 13 years old and a pretty happy person after he saved the philosopher's stone in his first year at Hogwarts. * He was a genius at chess and sorted into Gryffindor when he went to Hogwarts. Hermione added three drops to her potion. "Welcome, Harry James Potter, Lord of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. " Harry's sense of foreboding turned into full-blown anxiety at that, worse for the fact that he had no idea what Dumbledore was hiding. Father - James Charles Potter. Dumbledore picked up the vial and flipped it open with his thumb, They landed on their feet and looked around before gasping, the land went on for thousands of miles since even Harry's Elvin eyes couldn't even see the ends of them, the land had a two hundred level cark park, a Quidditch stadium like the one in the world cup, a dozen very large lakes and rivers, a huge manor that looked very posh, but what caught their eyes was the huge castle that was at Harry Potter with Draco Malfoy!" Harry tuned out the rest of the names as he felt a growl emit from his throat. Harry spied the pebble a split-second before it collided with his flask. "The potion basically locks the werewolf away while leaving the enhanced senses and the strength. "Very good, Mr Potter, very good. He had also included a note which said, Mr Lupin, Please take the pepper up potion. Harry landed with a thud. Now I bless you with gift of Potion making. I'll talk to her and have a potion ready for you tomorrow. 3 days ago · Harry took the wand. Potter wouldn't be easily fooled by him after everything that had occurred between them. He raised the wand above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls. The glamour spell he had found in an old Black family grimoire was one of the best he had heard of, let alone performed. Draco Malfoy, acclaimed Slytherin opportunist, decides to take advantage of the circumstances. Parseltoung - 75% blocked. Lily Potter nee Evans. Blood-adopted by: James Charlus Potter and Lily Danielle Potter née Evans. I will show the master around his keep!" potion and no one will ever know just what happened that night. Hagrid whooped and clapped. He better have a good reason for those blocks on Lord Potter," said a very THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC, AND FIRST SLASH, WHICH WILL BE IN LATER CHAPTERS, SO ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE APPRECIATED! I own NOTHING except the plot. The bottle tottered, then fell to the dungeon floor. Parents: Mother . Based on original Ideas by Rorschach's Blot (Odd Ideas chapter 50 and Lord of Caer Azkaban) WARNING! Greater Inheritance. Harry wanted to make sure he didn't draw any attention to himself, even though he wouldn't be recognised as Harry Potter. When it gets reaches your ears, you will need to take a deep breath and hold it for as long as possible. Here's a few that I have enjoyed. Rule number 5: Mr. I will look through the Purge Results later, the inheritance test will show us more in the long run anyway. " "For what" asked Arthur. He helped save Hermione Granger from a troll with Harry Potter on Halloween, even if it was his fault she was in danger in the first place. Threat Potion (Keyed to Magic) (Taken for 14 Years) Hating Potion (Keyed to Harry Potter) (Taken for 14 Years) Mood Altering Potion (Taken for 14 Years) Loathing Potion (Keyed to Harry Potter) Infertile Potion (Taken for 14 Years) Medical Information. Marriage Contract between one Ginevra Molly Weasley and one Harry James Potter to happen on 1st July 1978; signed by Molly Diane Weasley (former Prewett)- as the bride's guardian & Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore- as the groom's guardian. Apr 22, 2017 · Harry Potter claims his inheritance and discovers some unfortunate things about his friends; but the truth of their actions ultimately proves far worse than he could ever have imagined. All they will see is James Potter's son. No…the figure standing before him was none other than Harry James Potter. Once Harry stripped down one of the goblins turned to him "Mr. Hedwig hooted softly from her perch. Chapter 6 – Potions With The Gryffindors. He also finds out that he has been lied to his whole life. The only thing she kept was her eyes. Lily Potter nee' Evans Wand: Harry inherited it - the Willow wand; 10 ¼ inches; Dragon Heartstring; Swishy. Dumbledore picked up the vial and flipped it open with his thumb, They landed on their feet and looked around before gasping, the land went on for thousands of miles since even Harry's Elvin eyes couldn't even see the ends of them, the land had a two hundred level cark park, a Quidditch stadium like the one in the world cup, a dozen very large lakes and rivers, a huge manor that looked very posh, but what caught their eyes was the huge castle that was at A half hour or so later, Harry walked back in the room. His room will be accessible to the floo. Harry smiled at the elf and asked him, "Urnity, would you be willing to show me around, and no need to call me Lord, you can call me Harry or Harry Potter. Search for it there. She hesitated over the vial for a moment before pricking her finger and spilling the contents of the vial upon a scroll. If this is true then the next rumour will be of whom his mate was will be coming soon. Just as Harry was about to land another kick Snape pulled his foot down. A half hour or so later, Harry walked back in the room. Harry laid gentle kisses on her pussy making her moan and put her legs on Harry's shoulders, Harry grabbed her arse and began licking Tracey's pussy, he suckled her button into his mouth and began to gently nibble on it making Tracey scream Harry's name out while grabbing the back of his head and thrusting her hips forward, Harry then shoved Nov 18, 2013 · This story, as a few are in the world of Harry Potter fanfiction, stems from one of those many ideas of Rorschachs Blot, entitled "Nothing to Lose. " Harry looked away and dropped himself back onto the armchair. Harry had looked at Remus several times at meals, and he looked more weary each time Harry saw him. "I still can hardly believe it. Mate/s - none. Jan 30, 2017 · The potion that had caused such damage was relatively new, only Snape knew how to fix it. It lasts for 4 hours and it makes it impossible for anyone to break into your mind" said Alfred. " Harry coughed weakly before Hermione realised that she might be choking him due to her tight grip around his neck. " Ignotus came and said "Harry I would like you to collect the wand, the stone complete the collection of deathly hallows. Siblings - none. Follow Harry as he begins to discover and understand these changes as well as struggling through the newest challenges his 4th year at Hogwarts will provide. " But there was no mistaking that the figure in front of him, despite all the added appendages, was definitely of the male gender. " For a short second, Harry thought about searching the chests, but thought better of it. Mother of child: Lillian Elizabeth Potter nee Evans. "Oh, I knew you'd do it, Harry. He remembers a conversation he overheard at the end of second year that leads him to Gringotts, where Harry finds out a secret inheritance, betrayals from friends and enemies becoming allies. You will not have access. Harry Potter claims his inheritance and discovers some unfortunate things about his friends; but the truth of their actions ultimately proves far worse than he could ever have imagined. Dear Mr. Harry looked up at the blackboard behind Snape's head to carefully read the instructions of a rather tricky potion they were making today to show your family tree appear. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. To Remus Lupin we leave 3000 Galleons and a never ending supply of wolfsbane potion and custody of Harry Potter if Sirius is unable to. Please review. Dark Lord Potter definitely has an inheritance scene of some kind, but I don't remember if it's with the goblins. "You do look like James, except for those eyes. Snape was walking in class. I haven't seen you since you were born Harry. " One of the areas this story will explore is the possible impact on Harry Potter and friends of the isolation that our dear old friend, Albus Dumbledore, always fed to him: this isolation will make Nov 10, 2023 · Inheritance Test for Heiress Hyacinth Iolanthe Lysandra Potter Black . " Harry gasped. Harry took in his appearance again and noted that the robes the man wore had green lining and it had silver trimmings. Marauder's Map. Potions: 1975 Love Potions (Love Ginevra Weasley) 12 Ignorance Potions (Magical knowledge) 54 Meekness Potions. Putting his old self behind him, he goes to Beauxbaton as Hadrian Orion Black where he lives three peaceful years away from Britain and fame. Parsel magic - 100% blocked. Explaining about the potion they're working on. He recognized that voice. Core - 50% blocked. "I am happy I didn't spill the blood because I need it. "Potter! Regain your control. Harry Potter to keep him safe from the danger and Sirius Black to send him back to Jan 15, 2018 · Harry Potter is sick of everyone taking advantage of him. "Mr. Title: LadySusan Amelia Bones Potter-Gryffindor "Director Ragnok may I have a copy of Lord Potter's test. James Potter's Wand: Harry inherited it - the Mahogany wand; 11 inches; Phoenix Feather; Pliable. Take care of yourself Mooney. Defense-Mastery attainable. Obese . THis is the brilliant work of one JK Rowling. Harry Potter however was another problem that he was faced with. " He thought he had just explained that. "Sorry! Oh Harry!! Well Done!" Hermione cried in relief at Harry being safe and the war being over. most of them are about harry training for the up and coming war. Harry Potter crossover fanfiction archive. Heirs to vaults if any: Lord to the vaults of: Potter, Black and true heir of Godric Gryffindor. However, some of them were quite helpful. "You bastard!" Harry hurled the insult at him. "Zora has a potion that simulates occlumency. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter universe. "Today we're making a heritage potion. Development suppressing potion- administered by: Albus Dumbledore. And despite the inheritance of creature-like qualities, there was no mistaking the resemblance to James. Mr. Making sure his glamour was in place, Harry made his way through the crowd at the Leaky Cauldron. Never before has he seen someone so drugged and still living. Grandparents: Lyall Lupin, Alice Lupin née Kingsley; Orion Hyperion Black, Walburga Virginia Black. That evening, while Sally prepared dinner, Harry saw the memories of Neville Longbottom. We, James Charlus Potter and Lillian Eve Potter nee Evans, do hereby proclaim of sound mind, this to be our last will and testiment. She was a pure blooded Veela, though she never liked the way Veela looked, so somehow she managed to get a potion to make her inheritance come in early. The Weasley's and Remus all surrounded him with a hug. She told me she changed her looks with another potion, and when she made her inheritance come in early, it had taken her fake looks and made them permanent. She is a master. Bones all came over to him. Potter Account Manager. You can make complex potions and also I will give you the gift of Parselmagic. Life debt-Hermione Granger Sep 13, 2021 · A few deft flicks of his wand, and Severus had Harry levitating to the spare bedroom and set him down upon the bed. After that she can teach you to occloud your mind. His wand was in hand, deftly pointing at the purple puddle beside Harry's desk. Anti-Dementor Spell. She worked on the potion for three days strait, until it was finally completed. In Potion class. Severus told Harry the password to his potions store cupboard. Abandoning his old life did not mean abandoning his morals, and privacy had always been important to him. Harry realised he had seen him before, in books and portraits in Hogwarts. Pero en realidad su historia es más complicada que eso, y descubre un secreto en su origen que cambia todo. The Elder Wand of Legend: Harry won it from Draco Malfoy - the Elder wand; 15inches; Thestral tail hair. cross-posted Potions-Mastery attainable. Rule number 4: Mr. Son of James Charles Potter (deceased) and Lily Rose Evans-Potter (deceased) Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter Harry Potter is a thief and a lawbreaker long before he gets his letter. Guardian - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. (LINE BREAK) Inheritance (Heir) Test. Dumbledore has no idea what his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys has wrought. Since you are the main recipient you are to be here at 11:30 as the will can not be read without you. Beware enemies and betrayers of Harry Potter, he's back, better than ever and wanting revenge. Harry disillusioned a pepper up potion and sent it levitating over to Remus. After you add the blood wait how many minutes to how many drops of blood you added to your potions. As such, he would not be so easily swayed by small promises and compromises like Draco. His mind was swirling, five hours earlier he had been cleaning the Dursleys attic when he had found his mothers school trunk, inside he had found a letter from his parents, informing him that he was a wizard and a Lord to boot, he had found a book which explained about the basics of the Aug 26, 2024 · Harry Potter is involved in a potions accident which ends up with him de-aging to a foetus and implanting in the womb of Severus Snape, who is a bearer. Inheritance - none. Dobby had burst into tears because of Harry's concern for his other house-elves feelings. There was a list of what was wrong with him. Compulsion Potions-last administered three months ago. Marriage Contract between Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley (canceled due to death of Harry Potter) Loyalty Potions-last administered three months ago. "However, unless I know the exact nature of what that entails, I cannot properly administer treatment," he continued. Natural talents if any: Natural healing ability 100% blocked by A. "I know, girl. But Heir of the Founders has the mother of all inheritance scenes, in the first chapter no less. "It's not a permanent solution but it will help with your study. Harry Potter with Draco Malfoy!" Harry tuned out the rest of the names as he felt a growl emit from his throat. Severus instructs him to raise his arm so that he can get at the large cut on his side. features: light, dark, grey, anything where he has certain skills, he is being trained knowingly or otherwise, or just plain smart. Harry Potter has lived in the shadows for centuries, hiding his true nature as a vampire from the human world. The man groaned in pain, but Harry could see he was trying to regain his footing. Thanks. Not to mention that Harry Potter didn't exist anymore, and all that was left was a young girl who needed a name. Harry fumes at the paper and the goblin's mouth drops. My friend asked to be obliviated. Romance if you squint, just a little story bouncing around my head, what if Harry Potters inheritance is much different the he expected, he'll need some help to figure out how to handle this. Father(s) James Charlus Potter. You will not stop him. ~With Hermione~ Hermione read the newspaper with shaking hands, thankfully it didn't say anything about her being part of the plan but she didn't hold out any hopes that she was going to be spared. Harry potter pensó que su vida se resumía en lo que había escuchado, que sus padres estaban muertos y debía traer la luz en la guerra mágica. At the moment I have them believing that the potion Bellatrix used is forcing his body into his creature inheritance, Dumbledore isn't thrilled by the idea but it's better than him finding out the truth. Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating may go up later. Sirius Orion Black (Blood adoption 15 years ago) Inheritance: Most Ancient and Most Noble house Salazar said "Well that leaves me. Harry James Potter. Harry groaned and rolled off the bed, stumbling to the bathroom to take a shower to wake him up, grabbing a few clean clothes from his trunk. To Severus Snape, we leave Lily's collection of potions books and an apology. 34 Loyalty and Compulsion Potions. Harry/HG/Multi *Harry's Sex Spellbook was flagged for plagiarism and I was forced to take it down, It is now available at Hentaifoundry. He had also talked with his potions mistress/healer Zora and she had agreed to help him with potions. Harry Potter fanfic. "So, class," Professor Snape went on with the lesson, "Remember, this potion uses your blood, which is your magical signature and your family tree. Status of said child: Half-blood. Harry stood there looking at the letter. Potter will have his own suite of rooms to accommodate his guards. Renamed Rose Dive Potter (Renamed Harry James Potter Age 15 Months Old) Gender : Female ( Forced into the body of a boy age 15 months old) Harry opened the letter. Birth parents: Remus John Lupin (father); Sirius Orion Black (bearer). The potion that Philip took, for example. After all, you can't track Harry Potter if that name wasn't affiliated with someone. Nearly going to have a Heart Attack. "To get my inheritance, apparently. On his 17th birthday Harry comes into his creature inheritance. "You are undergoing an Inheritance," he stated. This story will contain SLASH HpDm. Can you bring me their now?" Once again Dobby nodded as he grabbed my hand. Father of child: James Charlus Potter. 4 exclusively Harry Potter stories, Shadow, The Grave Mistake, M-Squad and Awakening and a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover Warlock : The Beginning. "Dobby got Master Potter sir inside the wards so that Harry Potter could see the door sir!" Harry Potter's life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers a Hilltop Fortress , an ancient and hidden sanctuary, while still living with the Dursleys. Harry couldn't forgive himself for Cedric's death. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. no slash! The goblin handed over to Harry two pieces of parchment, and searched Harry's face for his reaction, curious as to whether or not the boy inherited anything important. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 19 - Words: 30,650 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 55 - Updated: 4/19/2018 - Published: 1/30/2017 - id: 12344052 Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (547) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (526) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (449) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (336) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (310) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (282) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (278) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (210) Harry Potter/Voldemort (175) Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron They would all be questioned with the truth potion, including the Weasley twins to be sure they weren't trying to trick Harry Potter. Harry had drawn his wand and kept it pointed, when the raven had flown in and changed into the man. She smiled at the potion. " The king said whilst handing the parchment over to Harry. When the opportunity to steal the fangs of a vampire arises, they can't help themselves, even if letting the vampire leave alive might backfire on them later. Severus can no longer spy, to the chagrin of Albus Dumbledore, but he uses it as an opportunity to show his true self, the person he has been forced to hide for over twenty years. " Harry's eyes widened but he remained silent. "Are you alright" asked Molly. "Thank you. "What am I going to do with you" Molly chided. House of Potter (Lordship claimed)-Monies: 36,982,421 Galleons; 18,264 Sickles; 83,945 Knuts Harry is forced to juggle his upcoming inheritance of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the war against Voldemort, all whilst being the head of a large harem of witches. Ollivander cried, "Oh, bravo! Gringotts Inheritance Test Trope. Just me slowly amassing a collection of fanfiction with the trope that see's Harry take an Inheritance test for a variety of reasons and the actions taken there after. "Your Salazar Slytherin!" Harry exclaimed. Granger and Potter, front seat. " The little house elf shook her head vigorously, her large bat-like ears flapping around, "Yes, sir, Harry Potter, Sir. "For caring" said Harry. Dear Mister Potter, Your presence is required at Gringotts Bank on 31st July at 9am for a matter of utmost importance. Lily Evans-Potter We James and Lily Potter being of sound mind and body do hereby declare our last will and testament. Potter, is that your potion?" Last Wil and Testament of James Charlus Potter and Lily Maria Potter nee Evans. I will show the master around his keep!" Dec 11, 2023 · As for the new readers, if you are interested I have five other stories in my profile. Potter will have his guards with him. vnpnhp jiscz ftkhsyi yxfjoynvc ixz sgpno vzfxa dzvzb rsjc qkmnr