11dp5dt hcg levels forum

11dp5dt hcg levels forum. Has anyone had a similar experience and still go on to have successful pregnancy?I'm on 3 progesterone pessaries Apr 4, 2019 · 1 in 3 women bleed during pregnancy. 7 13dp5dt beta level 1884. 2nd - 9dpt 37 11dpt 92 13dpt 247 Oct 20, 2015 · Extremely high Beta HCG 13dp5dt and very worried - posted in Ask the RE: On October 6, I had a transfer of a single 5-day blastocyst rated 5BA. My cheapies keep getting darker every day though. Hcg level looked really good so far. Dec 12, 2023 · Hi all, I've had my HCG levels measured at 5 and 6 weeks. &nbsp; 1st ultrasound is not until Aug 23, 2014 · From 1200 - 6000, the hCG usually takes 72-96 hours to double. Will repeat on Wednesday. 08/01/2019 at 8:36 pm. Apr 8, 2017 · Hi everyone, my levels were&nbsp;8dp5dt - 29810dp5dt - 58518dp5dt - 4150&nbsp;From 10dp5dt to 18d5dt my doubling time is 67. Does anyone suggest redoing blood tests to check HCG levels are rising, just to settle nerves? Or do you only do it if there is cause for concern? Today (Tuesday) at 11dp5dt my beta HcG was 115. It is kind of wild how different every clinic wants to see numbers. 11DP5DT: 34 14 DP5DT: 320 17 DP5DT: 1070 19 DP5DT: 2150 (something like that). My 9dp5dt was 159. So my levels were doubling about every 38 hours, and they were pretty much right in the middle of "normal" for a singleton pregnancy. I do not understand why this keeps happening. Hello, I've asked about &nbsp;hcg levels and whether it's a natural or Assisted pregnancy but not getting a ton of replies. HCG levels at 4 weeks + 3 days (11dp5dt)? Positive Beta Discussion. My hcg beta level was only 32. 94wks 5days- HCG 5345, Prog: 11. The nurse said they look for 300 so I was surprised it’s so high!? I’m a little worried, it seems outside the norm on all the charts I’m seeing. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a chemical produced by trophoblast (placental) tissue, which is present in early embryos and eventually becomes part of the placenta. 1a). &nbsp;Does Nov 17, 2014 · Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 10dp5dt and HCG is 156. 6 19dp5dt beta level 18325. If concerned. So as you can see my HCG numbers are increasing, but not doubling and my Progesterone is going up and down. gestation 3. I had my first u/s at 5 weeks and we saw 1 Sep 26, 2018 · Progesterone level was great. My levels never went higher than the average singleton pregnancy. Sep 20, 2003 · Forums. I don't do any more testing with her, just waiting for OB US scheduled at 7 weeks 4 days. Estrogen level was low. Next day I took 3 HPTs and all positive - although faint. just wondering what levels should be at 12 days post transfer? So I’m currently 11dp5dt and I got a call from my RE to tell me that my first Beta HCG is 78. Hcg levels are not a very good indicator of multiples. Guess that is a sign I need to stop testing. Have had 4 tests going from 74-11,000 in about a half a month ish I think. Just wanted to see if my numbers were on par with everyone else’s and if anyone else had early morning sickness. 2I've had 5 miscarriages already and dull cramping was the biggest indicator. My ultrasound isn’t until 6wks I just can’t wait so trying to hold on to whatever Dec 14, 2020 · Hello all, its me again. This seems super high when looking at charts and at levels others are reporting. The doc would like to wait a May 1, 2016 · Hey everyone, I was wondering what was everyone's initial beta numbers. Do any of you remember what your HCG levels were when carrying multiplies? May 2, 2018 · Just curious what everyone’s HCG level is if you have been tested and know your DPO! Does higher indicate twins ever? 16DPO (11DP5DT): 1077. So, if you can help by 1. I went on 8/28 for my 2nd set (14dpo) and also progesterone and they were 431!! Sep 12, 2023 · 10DP5DT, 4w1d beta levels are 135 will retest in exactly 1 week First beta at 11dp5dt of 2 euploid normal embryos and hcg was only 14. 7% chance of clinical pregnancy and 74. Reply reply cpcrn • 79 9dp5dt Jan 26, 2024 · So I got my first two beta tests after singleton female embryo transfer:11dp5dt : 57013dp5dt: 1477I’ve been having a lot of morning sickness the past 3-4 days even though I’m not even 5 weeks yet. 2/16/16 HCG-874 Progesterone-13. Now its pretty obvious to me this isnt going to be a viable pregnancy. From what I read low progesterone can cause cramping and early miscarriage. Maybe I just tend to have lower hcg levels to start 🤷🏼‍♀️ 11dp5dt beta level 846. Jun 11, 2012 · Like other people have said, I don't know if HCG levels are reliable indicators of multiples. I began getting positives on frer at 5dp5dt but the past three days they have looked the same. Nickybabyno2. When I miscarried last month, my HCG levels were 27 at 5w1d… as of yesterday, (5w1d) they are 7,835. posting your hcg levels along with 2. Just think, the level has to start somewhere! Just means you caught it early. Today was my first beta! Got my beta hcg level today at 9dp5dt and it's 27. Our fist fresh transfer resulted in a chemical (hcg 36 at 9dp5dt and 33 on 11dp5dt) first FET was BFN. As long as they double in 48 hrs you will be ok. 9% increase, and again 48 hours later, showing a 35. Hi ladies. When she drew my blood she said they were aiming to see 100. I just found out today at 7w2d it's twins! My doubling rate was 35 hours and I've read several studies that say that although singleton pregnancies can have high hcg numbers, it's more common in twin pregnancies and the doubling rate will be higher too. While I know it’s a good rise, does this mean anything other than that? Is it possible it would start to go down? (Going back again tomorrow) … I just don’t want to get myself excited if others have had Jun 7, 2017 · The first HCG level means very little (though I understand it's hard not to stress over it). Mine seems to be fine with super high progesterone levels too - these are like 3rd tri levels for normal pregnancies. My doc had me come in a day early for the blood work - levels were at 138. I was told that my numbers were in the normal range for my gestation period. Aug 23, 2017 · Second transfer, two betas, 129 at 11dp5dt then 735 at 14dp5dt, then scan early wk 6, then loss mid 6th week discovered mid wk 7. I underwent an IVF cycle, two embryos were transferred. My first beta 9dp5dt &nbsp;was 38. Anyone had a low beta that went on to have success? Jun 7, 2017 · Beta hcg June 23, 2024 | by Tatum0812 I keep seeing everyone with super high numbers. If you divide it down by a few days. What do low hCG levels mean for a pregnancy? If your hCG levels are below the normal range, this could indicate any of the following. Jul 11, 2022 · With detailed statistical analysis (ROC curve) they concluded that an hCG level of 76 mIU/mL was a suitable cut-off point for predicting viable pregnancy with 80% sensitivity and 82% specificity. If you have questions about symptom spotting, early bleeding, HCG/beta values, or early gestational measurements we recommend checking out the Cautious Intros and First Trimester Thread. Serum β-HCG is proportional to the number and activity of the trophoblastic cells, and research shows that a higher serum β-HCG level is associated with pregnancy outcomes and IVF success. At this point there was about a 7% chance of a biochemical pregnancy loss. my results have come back at 11 days past my blasto transfer at 578? can i Oct 9, 2017 · Can't wait to here what my clinic says tomorrow, my clinic at home said yeah but how many did u transfer? I said only one, then I said could it have split, won't No until scan , just feel it's a little high for 14 days, but have looked on other forums and some have been high, time will tell 🤞👣💗💙🌈💋 Beta hCG (aka β-hCG) is a quantitative serum test (done by your fertility clinic) to determine the level of hCG hormone present in your blood. Due: 3/12/2010 . When the serum β-hCG level reached the range of 391–10,764, the probability of a biochemical pregnancy loss was at its lowest in comparison with the range of 199–389 IU/L (p = 0. My doctor is really happy with those numbers even though it did not double. From what I am reading this seems high. 3 to 12. On 11dp5dt my wife got a beta hcg score of 196. 5 is considered normal and isn’t a cause for concern. Hope it doubles! I went to take a test this morning and realized I bough a box of digitals (yes/no) instead of the line test, so no picture to post today. That’s why there is such a huge range when it comes to hcg levels. I am now 21 weeks and all is well. First beta this Friday at 10p5dt Sep 23, 2017 · Oh the age old issue of trying to predict the unpredictable! I just did a round of IVF and got a positive HPT 6DP5DT. 8% rise to an hCG level of 186 mIU/mL. 9dp5dt HCG = 165 10dp5dt HCG = 225 11dp5dt HCG = 516 14dp5dt HCG = 3160 17dp5dt HCG = 9411 19dp5dt Jan 27, 2015 · HelloI am a first time IP and my SM tested positive last week with a 10dp5dt HCG of 618. Aug 1, 2024 · So with this pregnancy so far they’ve sent me a few times to get my levels checked. Also my starting progesterone on Sunday was very low at 4. While it’s an increase it’s not double. Sep 29, 2020 · What were your HCG levels at 5 weeks? I just got my second blood draw back & trying to see if all seems well. &nbsp;I go back again on Friday for another draw and really hope by some miracle. Hi everyone! Jun 9, 2014 · I had a 5 day transfer. Youngest son beta was 41. Nov 24, 2020 · What were your beta results for your FET and did you have a single or multiples? My beta was 615 11dp5dt today, which is more than double than what my other transfer was at this point. Aug 16, 2013 · This is what I've gotten so far: This Cycle: 14"dpo" ( 9dp5dt) = 21 16"dpo" (11dp5dt) = 67 (29 hour doubling time) 20"dpo" (15dp5dt) = 298 (45 hour doubling time) So my hCG is still low for the Sep 8, 2020 · The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. 5 U/l may be detectable by tests, indicating Apr 23, 2017 · My hcg at 11dp5dt was 1013 and at 13dp5dt was 2625. I have a recheck in 2 days. I had my 7 week ultrasound which showed one single baby with a heart rate of 120bpm. Jan 5, 2021 · Hi allI’m just curious what your hcg level was at 14dp5dt or 4w4d or 19dpo. We transferred 2 embryos, so I know there is a possibility of twins, but I am curious if anyone has had around this beta level at 11dp5dt and only had a singleton pregnancy? Also, my brain of course resorts to worst case scenario with high beta levels- molar pregnancy. My first beta was 809. My first beta HCG blood test was this Monday, October 19, 13 days post transfer. The 16dp5dt was 86, drawn around 46 hours later. What level of hCG indicates pregnancy? A urine hCG level as low as 6. Your first test Both times I was pregnant I had low starting betas -- the first ended in a chemical, the second is my current, ongoing pregnancy. Jan 27, 2015 · HelloI am a first time IP and my SM tested positive last week with a 10dp5dt HCG of 618. multiples or singleton and whether it was 5. XxSarah Today (Tuesday) at 11dp5dt my beta HcG was 115. I was really scared at first too because those levels seemed really low to me. I have had mild cramps here and there and have had nausea too but I honestly think it’s from the progesterone I am taking. My doctor said he’s seen plenty of success with early low hcg levels, and booked me in for a scan at 7 weeks + 4 days. Today was my first beta! At 11dp5dt, my I’m around 5 weeks and I was told I have high HCG. I go back Friday for my second beta and I’m hoping it doubles. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 12dp5dt and HCG is 124. We transfered 2 embryos so praying one stuck well for us with this level. 94 2 days later ⬇️ 4 weeks 3 days/14 dpo HCG: 173. Hi all!&nbsp;I got my first BFP on 12/26 and had my beta done on 12/31 at 11dp5dt. Everyone’s HCG levels are different so it’s best to not compare. At 5 weeks my reading was 7,500, and then 48,000 at 6 weeks. Nevertheless, I am concerned. Going back Wednesday and Friday to watch the trends. Sorry I don't remember the number. Nurse said the result was a ‘grey area’ and didn’t sound hopeful. yesterday 13 DPO was 230. The positive predictive value for a viable pregnancy at this level was 87% and the negative predictive value was 74%. At my clinic the “goal” is an HCG level of 50 at 10dp5dt, with a doubling time of 48-72 hours your numbers would be above that and any nurse at my clinic would be happy! Jul 10, 2024 · I had bloodwork today at 10dp5dt. I’m a mix of worried and anxious as my beta #s look good, just didn’t Mar 29, 2016 · Congratulations :) my hcg was 967 at 11dp3dt & then 2 days later it tripled to 2987, I had one baby boy in there, he is now 16 months old. My first HCG at 14dpo was 91, 16dpo was 192, and 22dpo was 2598. I'm so worried it's not rising enough. Low Jan 27, 2014 · Page 1 of 2 - Frist HcG levels for Twins? - posted in IVF/FET/IUI Cycle Buddies: Hello all Just wondering what the adverage first HcG levels are for twins? Mine was 286 and the nurse said it was high Anyone pregnate with twins care to share their first HcG levels? TIA!!! Nov 23, 2021 · Hi,What does everyone think about these levels 9dp5dt it was 121 and then on 11dp5dt level was 288. It more than doubled in 2 days. 22 answers / Last post: 11/01/2019 at 7:10 am. I do think it is making the fatigue worse. 2 but still confirmed positive. 11dp5dt: hcg 625, p 153, e 939. I'm going back on Wednesday for repeat bloodwork. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 10dp5dt and HCG is 156. I cried because the level was much lower than with my daughter which was 386 for the first beta. So, the rate of increase in hCG levels normally varies as a pregnancy progresses. Tuesday night I had some bleeding after sex, I called my office and they sent me in a script to get them re checked. Nurse said it was low, but they usually test later than that. This pregnancy we did FET. 5 Jan 20, 2024 · what were your 11dp5dt HCG levels and how many we ere you carrying. They said they like to see it between 80-100 at this point in pregnancy, but they said 78. 5 hours later13dp5dt - 16247 hours later15dp5dt - 316Has anyone had low and slow rising betas and have any success stories to share?Edit**18dp5dt - 64221dp5dt - 1334 Jul 20, 2020 · Hi ladies, This is actually my first ever post on here (although I find this forum to be a huge help in this wild and crazy ride called infertility). In Low hcg levels. I was at 543 11dp5dt (16 days past ER Aug 19, 2024 · Here is a look at what low or high hCG levels might mean for a pregnancy. Scheduled for more bloods this Friday. 99 3 days later ⬇️ 5 weeks 3 days/20 dpo HCG: 7,559 3 days later ⬇️ 5 weeks 6 days/23 dpo HCG: 16,828 Feb 3, 2020 · Just curious what different peoples hcg levels were. I am worried it indicates a problem such as a Dec 23, 2017 · I was wondering what other ppls hcg levels were with twins vs one baby. 60 4 days later ⬇️ 5 weeks/17 dpo HCG: 1,795. . Oct 8, 2007 · Me 36, DH 41 TTC 8 years BFP - m/c Jan 04 BFP - ectopic lost R tube Jan 05 BFP - ectopic lost L tube Sep 05 1st IVF July 06 - BFN 2nd IVF Sept 06 BFP - PROM at 19+3 Matthew was born sleeping at 21w3d. My 2nd was today 13dp5dt (46 hours after) and it came back 529. This is our second FET with our last embryo and today at 7dp5dt my HCG was 77. 9dp5dt my hcg was 64. Has anyone else experienced this and is still pregnant or gave birth? So first beta on 4wD3 seems a few days late for initial Beta to me - mine was done on 3wD5 or 6 and then there is a doubling effect every 2 days so if you do the math it seems like a normal HCG level to me. Also if you you transfered 1 did it split ?We had twins and beta was 840- transfered 2single Boy 192 -transfered 1this one is 382 - transfered 1 (guessing either girl with high hcg or split) Jan 27, 2022 · Hi All, I feel like I am going slightly mad! I had my Beta on Monday (9dp5dt) and my HCG levels were low at 24. Above 6000 mIU/ml, the hCG often takes over four days to double. My 2nd beta 3 days later was 271. Our Dr prescribed estrogen patches for my wife to immediately start wearing 2 patches just below her belly button to increase her estrogen level. I get my HCG levels checked and they all I had suuuuuper light FRERs at 8dp5dt and they didn’t darken much by my beta at 11dp5dt. Told us he was hoping for her BETA level to be at least 50 and that 21 is low but OK, and we will retest in two Jul 29, 2022 · Hey I wish I could just enjoy this moment but Doctor Google has terrified me again! Had my first HCG test at 9dp5dt and was delighted with 301 (especially after our chemical earlier this year ). My progesterone went up from Friday. 3 Apr 7, 2017 · 83 11dp5dt . This level is literally off all the charts I have seen. 11dp5dt HCG 43 13dp5dt HCG 88 16dp5dt HCG 300 Jan 20, 2022 · The highest chance of a clinical pregnancy or live birth occurred with β-hCG levels of 253 IU/L (92. hCG has many roles in pregnancy including – stimulating the ovaries to produce progesterone, triggers the body to create more estrogen, helps to thicken the lining of the uterus and tells your body to stop menstruating It Oct 12, 2019 · It was only once serum β-hCG level was 199–252 that the probability of a biochemical pregnancy loss was 12%. Still a strong level - and you should always ask your dr. Today's has come back as 816 so has more than doubled in 48 hours and seems very high for 4 weeks wh Feb 14, 2012 · HCG level at 11dp5dt. 11dp5dt HCG 46. Just wondered and I know HCG has a huge range, did anyone have a high number Dec 5, 2022 · Hello! I’ve done IVF and my FET was on 11/23, my HCG level at 9DP5DT was 236 and on 11DP5DT was 558. Daughter was 29 (and she was a twin) Jul 3, 2014 · Hi all!We did our first round of IVF this month, today I am 11dp5dt- and 16 days past hcg trigger shot. Mine for this pregnancy was 154 Nov 17, 2014 · I am wanting to know others levels around 10 days post transfer or day 9 post transfer. Nurse says this is good. I just turned 39 last week and have low AMH for Aug 1, 2024 · Below are frequently asked questions relating to hCG levels and pregnancy. It was 34. what should HCG be? This was our 2nd round of IVF and we transferred 1x5BA and 1 x 4AA embryos. Ectopic pregnancy. sex if you know, but if not pls come back and update when you find out, as well as 4. 9 so they had me add in a third dose of endometrin (vaginal progesterone suppository). 2/10/16 HCG-191 Progesterone-14 (started Crinone) 2/12/16 HCG-352. 4. I had triplets. Just wondered and I know HCG has a huge range, did anyone have a high number Feb 16, 2016 · &nbsp;I am wanting to know others levels around 12 days post transfer . Unless it’s heavy and bright red don’t stress. 3 Progesterone-17. 7. After 3 years of trying, miscarriage and ectopic, losing both tubes I hope this is our time. Jul 24, 2009 · I was wondering if anyone can help me understand my hcg level. 7 estrogen 12dp5dt was: 241 HCG, 33. 61 progesterone, 257. Checking betabase showed that our numbers were pretty much as low as it gets for a successful singleton. My first draw at 3w5d was 107. The clinic told us this is a gray area and we are retesting tomorrow (Monday) to see if there is an increase in HCG or if this is a chemical pregnancy. 18 hours ago · What are your hcg levels right now? I had my betas at 4w5d on 08/30 and they were 4103, then I had a second beta draw at 5w2d on 09/03 and they were at 16380! Apr 20, 2024 · I’m just curious for those who have had more than one pregnancy via IVF what your beta HCG levels were. I just switched to a new Jun 13, 2024 · 4 weeks 1 day/11 dpo HCG: 69. I am just looking for any women who have positive stories to share that started low and went on to have success. Hey! I know this has been asked a million times but looking for some hope. Given this borderline rise, measurement of her hCG level was repeated 48 hours later, showing a rise to 137 mIU/mL, a 26. 18DPO (13DP5DT Jun 24, 2024 · I have just had bloods 11dp5dt and my HCG has doubled but my progesterone has dropped from 35 to 7. Apr 22, 2019 · 4wks 3 days- HCG 2437, Prog: 14. This is my first ivf / fet and I did a 5 day blast transfer. My beta was 1565. HCG levels higher than 5 million international units per milliliter (mIU/mL) typically indicate pregnancy. Mar 1, 2016 · Congrats on the pregnancy. Fourth transfer/second son, one beta 319 at 11dp5dt, then mid wk 6 scan. The majority of ectopic 11dp5dt/16dpo beta levels . Mine were:12dpt5dt: 450 (4 weeks, 3 days)16dp5dt: 1830 (5 weeks)Seems so much lower than others I’ve seen. 003) (Fig. Hello all. 11dp5dt - 10147. 7is that a good number? im so afraid of another chemical! Apr 6, 2024 · At 11dp5dt I had my first blood test with my fertility clinic to check HCG levels. Jan 8, 2019 · Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / IVF; Hcg Levels. Anonymous. this am I tested and got 2 positives Is it too early? And how long does the trigger shot stay in your system!Thanks soo much in advance! I'm hesitantly excited as we have been trying for 7 years. 7 nine days after transfer and 110 eleven days after transfer. Advice Needed Hi everyone, Slow rising HCG, heartbeat within normal ranges upvotes Jun 3, 2022 · All of my babies had hcg levels at/below 40 on 9dp5dt. Feb 3, 2024 · Congrats on the pregnancy! I’m pregnant (16dp5dt today) and have had brown spotting with occasional red for over a week, some days more than others. I know its doubling but I've had multiple prior miscarriages. May 31, 2024 · First HCG Monday afternoon of 3/18: 541Second HCG Thursday early morning of 3/21: 1,121Third HCG today 3/23 morning: 1,453Absolutely panicking and terrified because my HCG didn’t double from my second to third blood test with the above values. Feb 26, 2019 · You may be too early in your pregnancy for your hCG levels to increase. I had another BETA this morning and won't get the results until tomorrow to see if my levels have at least doubled. Currently 5 weeks & 3 days! Feb 11, 2021 · Her hCG level was 73 mIU/mL 9 days after embryo transfer and rose to 108 mIU/mL 48 hours later, a 47. I had 2 mmc and the betas with those were lower. Jun 14, 2019 · Hcg came back, level is 518. Ectopic pregnancies happen when a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus. 52. Yesterday levels were at 377 which is 11 days PT. Feb 25, 2023 · Hi all we had our HCG bloods 11DP5DT and it is 1288 next bloods is tues at 15DP5DT. With my first (now 22 months) my 1st beta at 10dp5dt (fresh) was 86, 2nd 12dp5dt was 247. 93 so I’m on meds for that now. New Posts Unanswered; Did you suspect twins due to high HCG levels? Make a pregnancy ticker. This is our 2nd FET and we are so anxious after suffering a blighted ovum on our first attempt. I know anything over 25 is "positive" but I just am not sure how to feel. Has anyone Jul 9, 2021 · I’m currently 15dp5dt and I’m in beta hell. I just had my first beta hcg taken today and I’m happy to say it is positive. I read a study that was done that 100% of the woman who Feb 15, 2022 · 9dp5dt HCG was 20. I know it’s hard not to worry Feb 17, 2016 · Below are my HCG tests: 2/8/16 HCG-151 Progesterone-18. mine were 62. My first beta was 325!! Monday went back in for repeat blood (15dp5dt) and it rose to 1283. Apr 23, 2021 · The HCG level came back at 28! But my doctor told me I was ‘within the normal range’ of 5-70?! I went for more bloods yesterday (13dp5dt) and the result today was 52. 0… My first one as well, 11/6, so we’re really close ️ My first beta 10dp5dt was: 109. I'd say you have at least two in there! Just had my first bloodwork draw today and got the results back that my hcg level is only at 26. 9 hours, which concerns me. 9% increase. Hi ladies At 11dp5dt I had my first beta test and my hcg was 547 :-) I’m now 15dp5dt (5weeks pregnant) but I have zero symptoms. natural or assisted You would be helping a lot of us out so very My beta today at 11dp5dt was 1,450. &nbsp; This was my 1st FET my RE's office said it's doubling appropriately but still feel very nervous. well excited isnt the word. 5% chance of a live birth, at 13dp3dt or 11dp5dt). 14dp5dt HCG 226, next one will be in a week but feeling positive and just got my dye stealer at 15dp5dt. And i was getting positives on day 4/5pt so i know they werent late implanters. Hcg is no indication of twins & for where you are at (16dpo) you'd expect the hcg to be around the 600+ Mar 27, 2015 · Page 1 of 2 - Honest Opinions On Very Low Beta - posted in PG after IVF: Hello to all, Just went through FET #2 and the 14dp5dt beta was 45. I got a BFP at 10 DPO and had my Beta HCG at 11DPO and it came back at 36, the doctor said it… I got my first set of HCG levels done 8/25 (11dpo) and they were at 64. 11dp5dt - HCG 24, repeat draw ordered 2 days later. I have had bleeding and cramping for the last 3 days. Some women have levels very high and have a singleton. Third transfer four betas: 10, 10, 9, <2, chemical. 97 progesterone, 257. The doctor said it was a comfortable score. RE said some babies take longer to shake of the frost and get their act together ‍♀️ Oldest son beta was 20. hCG that does not double every two to three days does not necessarily indicate a problem with the pregnancy. Three awful days later, it was 320! I cried in relief. I know the baseline number doesn’t matter just the doubling time but one of the nurses at my clinic made me so discouraged. Posted 14-02-12. My last pregnancy my first HCG was 8 and 48 hours later it was 32. My nurse was satisfied and said it was a great rise and I am done with bloodwork until early ultrasound at 8 weeks. 13dp5dt - HCG 77, another draw ordered 4 days later to see what was going on, ectopic suspected. Feb 21, 2022 · Had my 1st beta 11dp5dt and it was 328. Dec 11, 2023 · I had my first HcG beta level this morning at 11dp5dt— they called and told me it is 51. The level was 2,442! I am very worried that this is far too high. Healthy pregnancy with 7lb 11oz girl. 1st - 9dp5dt 45 11dpt 55 13dpt 40. Feb 10, 2016 · 9dp5dt: hcg 309, p 149, e 1404. 8 HCG, 26. (At 9dp5dt, 11dp5dt, cd5 and cd9). 7 estrogen and thyroid tested slightly elevated at 2. All that matters is that it doubles in 48 hours. 5. My hcg at 11 DPO was 71. I went for a second blood test today and my HCG levels are rising how they should so the clinic are not concerned and said it’s just something that can happen. Currently just 13dp5dt fingers crossed things keep going well! I've recently had my 4th one a few days ago. I feel gutted because I have lost 4 pg naturally that started off low hcg. My hcg at 11dp5dt is only 25. gmds vamp iscwc jmtof aphz washn onmixb gvpj litcq qonp